Friday, October 28, 2011

Got my lunch packed up...

Did I tell you? I am back in school. I pretty sure the decision to finish my degree spawned out of boredom. It seemed like a fantastic idea until I actually had to do homework and study. Although, I would be lying if I tried to pretend like I didn't like it.

See the thing is I love winning. And being the winner. And being better than everyone else. It makes me happy. In a sick, sad way. My first time in college, I was not the winner. Sure, I passed Calc II, but barely. But now? I kick school's ass. I don't know if the classes are easier or if actually caring about attending classes and doing the work makes a difference. Who knew you should actually show up to class. Sober. And while I know I am putting in much more effort this time around, I am pretty sure this school is just slightly easier.

Take my management class for example. We get bonus points. For wearing orange to school on Fridays. Like it is Kindergarten. So every Friday I rock my orange, so I can have a 112 average. Except, I couldn't just wear my free Friday shirt like everyone else.

Bleh. Friday shirt.

Nope. I had to be the Friday orange winner. So I turned mine into a scarf. While you fools are in your orange shirt and sweatpants, I have on real pants.

Friday shirt + scissors + elastic thread = Friday scarf

And. Oh my God. School makes me look sleepy.


Allison said...

Holy wear orange shirt day. I want a scarf. And your craft room.

LWLH said...

Your a crafty lady, I would not be able to create that.

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Catherine said...

Your back! Well your not really back since this post was from October and it's almost January but I missed reading your writing! Come back tricia!!!

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Unknown said...

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MufassaSchrift said...

there's nothing wrong in winning. american society is built on it, and have thereby won great achievements. BUT: What would be wrong (you said yourself "in a sick, sad way, I don't know what you meant by that)would be winning and thereby sacrificing your integrity or morals, if you know what I mean?

HealthTips said...
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Unknown said...

Muy buena iniciativa. El color naranja suele dar mucha suerte.
Buen trabajo, saludos!

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