Thursday, September 4, 2008

Kick Me.

I almost missed Emmi's therapy appointment this morning. Really, it was Tiffany's fault. She called me, and distracted me. But we made it in time. Emmi happily skipped down the hall after her therapist, and I settled in for my favorite thirty minutes of the day. Thirty uninterrupted minutes of reading. The morning appointments during school hours are generally quiet, with no other children in the waiting room. I have the place to myself. I had just opened my book to the first page when the door opened.

The mother looked rushed. She dragged her son behind her. A son that clearly looked like he possessed a good set of lungs that threatened to ruin the quiet of the waiting room. I eyed them as she signed in.

"We're here to see TherapistofEmmi's," the mother barked at the OfficeManager.

OfficeManager looked confused. "What time is your appointment? Therapist has a client with her now, and another scheduled right after that."

The mother put her hands on her hips. "Nine fifteen," she hissed. Impossible. That is Emmi's regular appointment time. The one she has had scheduled for a long time. OfficeManager politely explained so. "I am sorry. Therapist always sees the client she was with at this time every Thursday. For the whole year."

The mother grows more agitated. Her breathing increases. Her lips are pursed. Through gritted teeth she growls, "Two weeks ago I made these appointment. Two appointments a month. From now until December." She pauses then, realizing I am the only parent in the waiting room. "You!" She rushes toward, finger waggling. "You took my spot."

I laugh. "Uh. No. This is our regular spot. My kid has been coming here for two years." I smile. But it is forced. She is scaring me. OfficeManager is moving quickly from behind the desk.

With a quickness, the mother whips out an appointment card. Written clearly is the appointment for 9:15..... on September 3rd. "You know today is the 4th, right?" The color drains from the mother's face. Her jaw drops. There is nothing she can say or do. No backtracking. She grabs her son and hastily retreats, leaving OfficeManager and I nervously giggling.

Afterwards I wonder, do I have a "kick me" sign or something stuck to me. 'Cause I certainly seem to be attracting a lot of drama. I think I am going to hide out at home for awhile.


Linda P. said...

Well, Tricia, I couldn't help but laugh at this one since you painted such a vivid picture and since the fact that you were writing meant that you had survived the assault. Wouldn't you just love to be that woman's child? Seriously, though, despite the laughter, I'm so sorry that happened.

Tricia said...

It was kind of funny....AFTERWARDS.

Bimbo Baggins said...

WOW...what a friggen psycho! I don't know how she will ever show her face at that place again! How embarassing for her!

Malskeys said...

Wow.... Her mistake could have been easily laughed off if she hadn't been such a raging bitch... Too bad she acted first without thinking... or looking at her appt card...

Chris & AnnMarie said...


I started reading your blog last week or so, and yes, it does seem that you have a kick me sign on your back! Your neighbors seem crazy (where do you live??) and this lady was even crazier. She would have scared me!

Jill & Emmi are adorable. =)

Ann Marie Kolkhorst

Tricia said...

In my cryptic way, so the crazies on the internet won't know, I will tell you where I live. Kenny and I live in the neighborhood by our old high school. You know, the one that you circled around when you cut through from your old house to school?

Allie said...

LMFAO, you do seem to attract the drama, it's like you're a crazy magnet.

Here It Comes said...
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Sheri said...

I love how people automatically assume they are completely right. I am the opposite. I immediately question whether I screwed up or not. Hey, at least she didn't blame you for making the day the 4th and not the 3rd. :P

Chris & AnnMarie said...

I know exactly where you're talking about! =)

Tricia said...

Well, Sheri, I am the one who controls those kinds of things. I also decided that you were to have yet another girl.

Steph V said...

Oh my. So, this is way too much drauma for one read. I need to add you to my blogroll so that i can keep up daily rather than weekly. i don't think it's good for my anxiety. haha!

Thanks Ree for asking of the location. Not that we are moving anytime soon but I want to know where not to move!!!

We have a great house (at lrast looks great from the outside) that just went up for sale on our street. A lot of kids and GREAT NEIGHBORS. Seriously great. Like scary great! Kenny and Jimmy could play golf daily. Or maybe not...I'm enough of a golf-widow already.

Good luck with the crazies...

Tricia said...

Stephanie, do you guys live in HS (you can decipher that one!)? Kenny doesn't play golf (he will just go along for the ride!), but he wants a golf cart so he can ride it to his friends houses to hang out! Boys. I swear the never grow up. That will be our next move. All of Kenny's friends are there, I knew he would eventually give in!