Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Other Title...

made Jesus jump off a shelf. And we just couldn't have that, now could we, Tiffany?

I got into a discussion with a parent friend the other day about buying into the latest fads and toys. Basically, we were talking about another family who won't even let their daughter play with other children's Hannah Montana toys, because they say it will corrupt her. Something about the over-marketing of something or another. I kind of quit listening. I was busy giggling to myself, thinking, "I wonder what happens when they encounter a kid in a Hannah Montana shirt out in public. Do they run screaming?" They also, refuse to buy their children the "it" toys. Which I kind of understand. Although, I am mostly motivated from a lazy, I-refuse-to-stand-in-line standpoint. But how do you really shelter you kids from that completely? And? Does it really matter? I mean, you can claim all you want that this is a new phenomenon, but it isn't.

Remember the New Kids? Sleeping bags. T-shirts. Pillows. Dolls. Everything. And sure there were waiting lists for the Wii. But remember when the Nintendo first came out? Or perhaps Cabbage Patch dolls? Those goofy little dolls caused quite an uproar. People stood in lines. There were fights. It was on the news. Every kid had to have one and proudly display the adoption certificate. I needed one. And then one day, on the way home from a trip to Arkansas, of all places, we lucked out. A shipment of Cabbage Patch dolls. And my sister and I became the proud adoptive parents of two beautiful Cabbage Patch dolls.

Kenny and my sister's Cabbage Patch doll.

What? Is something funny? Are you laughing at my baby? It's probably cause you are jealous that you didn't get one of the last two Cabbage Patch dolls in Arkansas.


Anonymous said...

Oh...the Cabbage Patch trend. Yes. I was beyond excited when I finally received one. When my brother was little it was Tickle Me Elmo. Which I still find to be completely creepy.

Allie said...

LOL, I hate Hannah Montana, I think she is a skank, well, Miley Cyrus is anyways, but I think refusing to get your anything like that is a bit ridiculous. Those kids are going to grow up all screwed up thinking their parents didn't love them enough to get them Hannah Montana crap and that is just sad.

Anonymous said...

Hannah Montana is so skanky! But I remember when Britney Spears was the skank all the little girls wanted to be.

And I think I had two cabbage patch kids myself. Kenny holds that one so naturally. I wonder if he owned one back in the day!

ZDub said...

OMG. I am going to post about this tonight when I get home.

I have the brother to that Cabbage Patch doll and Troy drags it around and loves it to pieces.

What's funny is I think we bought it in Oklahoma.

Here It Comes said...

Oh, we got the brother too! Although, he smells like mud. I once burried him in the dirt. Imagine that. My parents stand in line, get basically the last two dolls they have left, then I come home and bury the damn thing in the dirt.

Tina said...

I still like CPK. I buy them for Cassidy. Never had an african american one though lol.

Sheri said...

Oh, remind me to tell you about my Barbie collection and the ones 50's Rockers ones that came in different races.

Anonymous said...

y'all should adopt her (the CPK) then change your names to Brad and Angie! Kenny looks good with a little bit of color