Thursday, September 10, 2009

Parent/Teacher Conference should be fun.

Emmi is mainstreamed this year. No deaf ed classes. She is pulled for therapy and audio services, but spends most of the day in a mainstream class. This decision? I worried about. I was scared she would not be able to keep up. I was assured she would, in fact, be ahead of many children, regardless of her vocabulary/speech issues. She can read basic readers. She can do some basic math. Still I worried. Kindergarten? Mainstream?

The first week passed with no problems. Week Two, some work came home with Emmi that she was having trouble with. I quickly figured out she didn't know the word 'different'. Solved that. I thought we were good.

Until the end of the week.

Oh Emmi is doing just fine educationally, but there is a problem. Emmi is naughty. All the time. And I think she is driving her teacher bonkers.

The notes have progressed like this:

Note One: Emmi had trouble sitting in circle time. Have a good weekend! :)

Note Two: Emmi would not stand in line. She also talked during story time. (Note the lack of smiley face.)

Note Three: Emmi ran around the classroom, refused to sit in her seat, and would not join the class when asked. Please discuss her behavior with her.

Note Four: Emmi poked another student with a pencil. When I asked for the pencil, she ran away from me. I had to chase her and grab the pencil. Your child is a holy terror. Please send her to another school, so help me God, before I use said pencil to poke myself in the eye.

I may have added the part beginning with holy terror. The rest is all verbatim. For real y'all, my kid poked another kid with a pencil then ran, giggling (according to last year's teacher) from her teacher in circles around a desk.


Kristina said...

So, so funny! Looks like Emmi has taken control of her situation!

Allison said...

All I am thinking is, is that really not "normal" behaivor for a kindergarten child?

Aimee' said...

LOL - I can laugh because she's not one of my students!!