Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Leapin' Leprechauns

Now, Tiffany, I am going to give you a dollar if you can tell me what the picture below is. Actually, everyone can play. But, Tiffany is going to win. Here are the hints.

Clue Number 1: The teacher sent no fucking note home, so I found out about this GD project at 5pm the day before it was due.....this should be familiar.

Clue Number 2: First Grade at BlahdeBlah School (like I am telling you all where my kid goes to school....but Tiffany knows. Her kid went there in first grade.)

Clue Number 3: This very same project years ago elicited a panicked phone call from you to me, in which you needed green wrapping paper and I laughed hysterically. By the way, I am very, very sorry for laughing at you in your time of need of green wrapping paper. I now understand the importance of it all. I myself, needed green, sparkly felt.

Have you figured it out yet? Huh? Huh?


J said...

It's a leprechaun trap!!!!!! I win!!

Not really fair for me since Allie (oops, I mean NICHOLAS) made one for school this week. I still win though.

Tricia said...

You do win! You get the dollar!

Tiffany said...

I was too late! Cute job. B's looked like a first grader did it. I'm not creative like IATM!

Allie said...

Nicholas just did one the other day, I'll have to send you pics.

Allie said...

I just saw J's comment and don't let her fool you, Nicholas made it, I just...helped.
If I had made it the damn rungs on the ladder would have been straight, I'm kind of a perfectionist when it comes to art projects.

Tricia said...

Ummm...I let Jill glue the rainbow stripes on. And the gold coins.

ZDub said...

That's so gay. I wonder if I have to do that for Zoe's school. Crap...where's the hot glue gun...