Friday, May 30, 2008

Day One of Summer.

Yesterday I made a schedule for the summer. Everyday we would work on for Jill reading fluency, handwriting, and multiplication/division. Emmi will be working on key phrases, letter recognition, and sight words. I set up times for each day, as well as lesson plans. I am super organized. Or I would be, if I stuck to the schedule. Instead......

Woke up with Kenny at 6:30. Had coffee while checking my email. Quietly. No grumpy child complaining about being awake or asking for more cereal. By 6:45, my workday began.

Fed my kids popcorn for breakfast. Went well with the movie I let them watch at 8am.

Didn't iron the clothes they put on today. Sundresses require little ironing. Tied no shoelaces. Both kids wore flip-flops.

By 11am, both errands for the day checked off my to-do list. Balloons, ribbons, and ice cream for party tomorrow purchased. Let kids have ice cream before lunch. Kids super happy as they normally don't ever get ice cream.

Heated up pizza rolls for lunch. Let kids eat in front of TV.

Going swimming in ten minutes. Swimming + hot sun = very worn out kids. I am thinking another movie time might happen this afternoon.

I love summer.


Allie said...

That sounds wonderful, I can't wait till Wednesday when our kids are out of school. I'm super jealous of your pool, I would never get anything done because I would always be in it.

Oh, and screw schedules, its summer!!!!

Tricia said...

You know, I haven't even been in the pool yet this year. I always end up sitting by the side reading a book while the kids swim. If I get in, I get attacked!

David said...

I wish I had summers at your house! Popcorn for breakfast? Amazing!
You rock...

J said...

I am super jealous!! I would love my own pool, because then I might actually get to go swimming alone!

PS. Message recieved!

Anonymous said...

Geez, can I be one of your kids?

Sheri said...

Okay, I sat here LMAO when I read your schedule because, well, I know you. LOL Then, I continued reading and thought, "Ahhh, there's the Tricia I know and love.".

Yes, summer has hit here, too. I have taken up your method of stripping kids down and sending them in the backyard with popsicles. I swear, Ava had no idea what one was until she had it this week.

Tiffany said...

We are still in school! Seriously!

amy said...

Okay-- even if you didn't get to those things... you are the BEST mom ever!!! From a teacher's point of view- any mom that knows what those things are AND is willing to practice with her children during the summer ROCKS!!! :)