Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What the.....?

We all knew that one day Emmi's expressive language skills would catch up to her receptive language skills. We also knew there would be trouble when this happened. See, due to a malformation of Emmi's soft palate, she has to learn how to approximate sounds. Meaning, she has been talking for awhile, and no one can understand her. And, because no one can understand her, we sometimes forget that she can understand us. So we say just about everything in front of her. Lately, she is a lot more understandable. Which is great! Fantastic!

Until Jill accidentally burned Emmi's hand tonight. Bad. And Emmi? She yells to Jill, "Ow. What the fuck?!"

And when Kenny and I look at each other shocked and start giggling (all while Jill is scolding us for laughing because that "will teach Emmi that being naughty is funny"), Emmi again says, "What the FUCK?"

And Kenny and I had to leave the room we are laughing so hard.

*****This morning, Emmi was upstairs yelling, "PINK," at the top of her lungs. This means she wants strawberry (pink) milk. I was ignoring her. Because, well, I don't particularly like my kids screaming demands at me. So I walked in the kitchen, and Kenny, with a smirk on his face says in the perfect imitation of Emmi, "Wha da fahhhck, PIIIIIINK!" And I spit my coffee out, I started laughing so hard.*******


Anonymous said...

Oh man, my son is totally at the age where he will repeat every word you say, since he's two and just a soaking everything up. I was on the freeway and said something like, "What the fuck!" He immediately said fuck a couple times, then started laughing like a hyena, just hysterical with laughter.
So, I'm STILL learning to censor myself. Another one he likes is when he plays with the phone, says hello, hi, babbles, then says 'shit' about five times, then throws the phone across the floor. That one's Rick, and the baby has been doing that for months! And we can't help but laugh, it's so weird and funny.

J said...

OMG!! LOL. Seriously? That shit is funny. I know we arent supposed to laugh when our kids cuss, but damn they sound so cute and funny when they do. Princess said CRAP! once and I lost it. Hilarious!

Tricia said...

Kenny and I both agree that we have never heard the word "fuck" sound so damn cute before!

Sheri said...

OMG--I can just hear her saying it and see her expression. LMAO

Bimbo Baggins said...

LMAO, I love it when my punk cusses. Once we were in target and her plastic watch broke and she said, "fuckin watch". I almost shit myself. I was of course embarassed because others heard it, but I was laughing inside. There have been so many times when she does that and you can't help but laugh. Just yesterday she called her grandpa an idiot cause he layed down the wrong card in Uno. My mom and I were dying with laughter...

K and T said...

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Holy moly, that's hilarious! It's so hard not to laugh at them... My youngest seester would repeat everything when she was little little, but now that she is 10 she refuses to curse.... the worst she says is crap... and being the GREAT older sis that I am I am always trying to get her to cuss, or take a sip of my margarita... (really, just because I know she won't... I don't know why this amuses me)


Not a Granny said...

Yeah, my daughter is dealing with her 2 year old saying "shit".

OMG, I am still laughing though. I should probably leave the room.

David said...

This is so funny. I remember when I discovered your blog a few months ago and reading your line "I like to say Fuck a lot". It made me laugh then and it still does. I can't wait until
Emmi is old enough to start her blog! Pink What the fuck!!
This was a great post Trish!